《中英對照讀新聞》The laziest countries in the world have been revealed 世界最懶惰國家揭曉
◎ 陳正健
Stanford University researchers collected smartphone data from more than 700,000 people across the globe to measure the amount of steps they took in a day. Most smartphones have a built-in accelerometer that can record steps.
They found the average amount of daily steps around the world is almost 5,000, equivalent to about 4km. The laziest nation - with an average of 3,513 steps a day - was Indonesia, followed by Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and the Philippines.
Hong Kong was the most active place, with the population walking an average of almost 7,000 steps a day, which equates to about 6km. China was a close second with an average of 6,189 steps walked a day, followed by Ukraine, Japan, Russia, Spain and Sweden.
built-in:形容詞,內建的,內置的。例句:All the new rooms have built-in cupboards.(所有新房間都已設置櫥櫃。)
accelerometer:名詞,加速計,加速度表。例句:Accelerometers are devices that measure acceleration.(加速計是測量加速的裝置。)
equivalent:形容詞,相等的,等量的。例句:Men and women doing equivalent jobs should be paid the same amount.(從事等量工作的男女應被支付相同酬勞。)
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