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《中英對照讀新聞》Belgian PM deafened by royal starting gun 王室鳴槍起跑損傷比利時總理聽力

2017/06/03 06:00



Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel has suffered partial hearing loss after Princess Astrid fired the starting pistol for a running race next to his ear, his spokesman said Tuesday.


Michel can be seen grimacing with pain in a picture taken as Astrid, the younger sister of Belgium’s King Philippe, fired the blank next to his left ear at a 20-kilometre race in Brussels on Sunday.


Michel was suffering from "partial deafness" and "tinnitus", or ringing in the ears, his spokesman Frédéric Cauderlier told AFP, declining to give further details to "maintain his privacy".


Michel underwent extensive medical tests on Monday and Tuesday morning in a bid to treat the problem "as soon as possible after the incident," Cauderlier said.


The incident comes a week after Michel hosted US President Donald Trump, who met him and the king before attending summits with the EU and NATO.


Trump used the visit to give NATO allies an ear-bashing for not paying their fair share for defence costs. (AFP)



grimace:名詞,指鬼臉、痛苦的表情;動詞,指扮鬼臉、做怪表情。例句:He made a grimace at the two girls.(他朝那兩個女孩做了鬼臉。)

in a bid to:片語,指力圖。例句:She went to extreme lengths in a bid for losing weight.(她用極端方法減重。)

ear-bashing(earbashing):名詞,指訓斥、指責。例句:He got an earbashing from his supervisor for repeating the same mistakes.(他因反覆犯一樣的錯挨主管罵。)

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