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《中英對照讀新聞》Florida librarians accused of creating fake borrowers to save stock 佛州圖書館員被控捏造借書人以保護藏書

2017/06/01 06:00



Two Florida librarians have been suspended for allegedly creating bogus borrowers, in order to outwit automated book-culling software designed to ditch titles that are not being read.


An investigation was sparked after an anonymous complaint was filed to Lake County municipal staff. The investigation revealed several fake identities with false addresses and drivers’ license numbers.


The two are reported to have been caught when it emerged that one of the dummy borrowers was Chuck Finley, a retired major-league basketball player.


Staff at the libraries claim the move was to save money:books not borrowed for a long time are automatically flagged for removal by the computer system.


In interviews with municipal authorities, a library supervisor George Dore said he wanted to avoid repurchasing books purged from the shelves. He claimed his action had only one purpose, which was to save items for potential patrons’ use.


Dore also claimed that other libraries have had dummy memberships. "There was a lot of bad blood between the libraries because of money wars."



bogus:形容詞,假冒的。例句:He was expelled from school for making up bogus data in the thesis.(他因為在論文中假造數據而被退學。)

cull:動詞,挑出。例句:The passage culled from the article is the most essential part of all.(文中擷取的段落是全篇精華所在。)

bad blood:慣用語,敵意;不合。例句:There was bad blood between the two groups.(這兩個團體彼此敵視。)

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