《中英對照讀新聞》You say Austria, I say Australia:Airbus trips up on tricky typo-你說奧地利,我講澳洲:空中巴士搞上麻煩的打錯字
Austria and Australia are 16,000 km and two keystrokes apart, as European aircraft manufacturer Airbus discovered to its chagrin this week.
The Financial Times, citing fine print in the company’s 2016 financial accounts, reported on Monday that Airbus was being investigated by authorities in Australia for offences such as bribery or fraud.
The Airbus accounts did indeed say Australia, but a company spokesman said that was, in fact, a typographical error.
"It should read Austria and not Australia," he said.
In February, Airbus said prosecutors in Vienna had initiated a formal criminal investigation against Airbus and the Eurofighter consortium over alleged fraud related to a $2 billion order for the combat jet more than a decade ago.
The typo in the Airbus accounts is the latest in a series of mix-ups between the two similarly named but culturally distinct and geographically distant countries.
Global news network CNN was mocked by Twitter users last year for reporting Australia was building a fence on its Slovenian border.
In 2014, then United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon mistakenly offered his gratitude to hosts Australia when he spoke at a conference in Vienna, according to an Associated Press report.(Reuters)
trip:名詞,指旅遊、摔倒、過錯;動詞,指旅行、絆倒、輕快走跳、使犯錯。trip up指絆倒、犯錯。例句:Your own lies will trip you up.(你的謊言將成為你的絆腳石。)
tricky:形容詞,指狡猾的、情況複雜的、機警的、微妙的。例句:She a tricky customer.(她是個難搞的顧客。)
chagrin:名詞,指因失敗等引起的悔恨、懊惱;動詞,指使懊惱、使悔恨。例句:Much to his chagrin, he did not make his best efforts at that time.(讓他備感懊惱的是,當初未盡全力。)
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