《中英對照讀新聞》Korea to spend W38.4tr in 2017 to tackle low birthrate, aged society 韓國2017年將投入38.4兆韓元因應低出生率、高齡社會
South Korea will spend 38.4 trillion won this year on tackling the low birthrate and aging population as such trends can hurt Asia’s fourth-largest economy by reducing its workforce and driving up welfare costs, the health ministry said Friday.
The Ministry of Welfare and Health said the budget for 2017, finalized during a meeting of a government evaluation committee, is set to increase 8.8 percent on-year. A large portion of the money will be spent on creating more jobs for young people. A lack of jobs has been cited as one reason why many South Koreans are not getting married, which is hurting birth rates.
Childbirth in South Korea dropped to a record low last year by reaching 406,300, down 7.3 percent or 32,100 births from a year earlier, according to a report by Statistics Korea. The figure marked the lowest number of newborns since 1970 when the statistics agency started compiling such data.
tackle:動詞,對付。There’s more than one way to tackle the problem.(處理此問題的方法不只一個。)
drive up:動詞片語,抬高、使……上升。The interest in the new toy drove up sales.〔(消費者)對該新玩具的喜好推升銷售量。〕
cite:動詞,引用為。He cited the Constitution in his defense.(他援引憲法辯護。)
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