《中英對照讀新聞》Love, sex and passion - in all their forms - have inspired a new sale collection at Sotheby’s in London. 愛、性與激情—以其所有形式—激發倫敦蘇富比新拍賣
Titled "Erotic:Passion & Desire," the auction lots feature art works from across the centuries and the world, including pieces by Pablo Picasso, Sarah Bernhardt and Helmut Newton.
"We’ve put together 107 works of art ranging from antiquity to contemporary," said Sotheby’s senior director, Constantine Frangos. "It covers passion, desire and the appreciation of the human form."
Some works are explicitly carnal in nature, showing moments of intimacy, lust and pleasure.
According to Sotheby’s, the sale has attracted interest from an array of buyers in North America, Europe and Asia.
The exhibition encompasses diverse media, from photographs and pen sketches to ornate wood carvings and marble busts.
One item generating buzz is a recreation of a table that was supposedly delivered to Russia’s Catherine the Great. The painted plywood table has details of breasts and penises. It is priced between 15,000 and 20,000 pounds.
explicit(explicitly):形容詞,赤裸裸地、露骨地(如性、暴力等)。例句:The movie contains scenes of explicit violence.(此電影包括露骨暴力場面。)
encompass:動詞,包含、包括(尤指很多不同事物)。例句:The subject of social studies encompasses history, civics, and geography.(社會科學研究包括歷史學、公民學、地理學等。)
buzz:名詞,嗡嗡聲(形容議論)。例句:The audience began to buzz excitedly until the judge demanded a cessation of the noise.(聽眾議論紛紛,直到法官要求眾人肅靜。)
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