《中英對照讀新聞》 Santa renews pilot’s license 耶誕老人更新商用飛行執照
◎ 蔡子岳
Santa Claus successfully renewed his commercial pilot’s license, passing a written exam as well as a health check - despite high sugar levels - and is good to fly for Christmas, Canada’s transportation department said on Thursday.
Santa was given his pilot’s license renewal by Transport Minister Marc Garneau, a former astronaut, according to a video released on Twitter by Transport Canada.
"Santa, I’ve got good news for you, once again you’ve aced your pilot’s exam so here is your certificate," Garneau tells the man, dressed in a fur-trimmed red suit and hat and wearing black gloves.
The video shows the elderly gift-giver completing a vision screening test composed entirely of the letters H and O, and handing over a urine sample.
"Your health is good. Your sugar levels are a little bit high, but you are cleared to go, so that’s the good news," Garneau told Santa, who responded with laughter.
Garneau also warned Santa against distracted driving: "Just a reminder, don’t use your cellphone, and don’t do any texting while you’re driving your sleigh through the skies."
renew:動詞,給…展期,延長…的期限;更新,更換。例句:Don’t forget to bring a picture for each license you wish to
renew, plus NT$200 renewal fee.(換照別忘記帶1張相片和200台幣工本費。)
trim:動詞,名詞,修剪,修整。例句:Just give the ends a trim, please.(髮尾修修就可以了,謝謝。)
distracted driving:名詞,分心駕駛。例句:In 2014 alone, 3179 were killed in distracted driving crashes.(單單在2014年,就有3179人死於分心駕駛肇致的車禍。)
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