《中英對照讀新聞》New law set to take force to harness S. Korea’s public diplomacy 規範南韓公眾外交的新法開始生效
Dutch middle-school textbooks on history and geography had depicted South Korea as a cheap-labor economy dependent on fish processing. This was up until South Korean diplomats successfully persuaded the publishers to update their texts two years ago, officials at the foreign ministry here said Wednesday.
These cases were only part of the South Korean government’s successful attempts in recent years to improve its national image across the globe through its public diplomacy efforts.
The unconventional diplomacy approach reaches out to the hearts and minds of common people, rather than to typical government players, capitalizing on soft assets like culture and knowledge, according to ministry officials. South Korea expects the country’s public diplomacy to make a big leap forward with the legislation of the first public diplomacy law, which goes into effect on Thursday, they said.
The new law gives the foreign minister the authority to command South Korea’s public diplomacy programs. This year’s budget stands at just 14.2 billion won while Japan earmarked $400 million for public diplomacy.
depict:及物動詞,描(敘)述、描寫。His paintings depict the lives of ordinary people in the Middle Ages.(他的畫作描寫中世紀一般人的生活。)
reach out to:動詞片語,試著與某(些)人溝通或接觸、伸出援手。The new mayor is reaching out to the local community.(新任市長正試圖與當地社區溝通。)
earmark:名詞,耳上記號、標記、專款。動詞:在耳朵上在做記號、標記、指定做… 特定用途。例句:Some funds are earmarked for anti-drug programmes.(一些資金被指定用於反毒計畫。)
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