《中英對照讀新聞》 K-Pop Shares Become Victim of China-Korea Missile spat 中韓飛彈爭執殃及韓流公司股票
SM Entertainment Co., known for groups such as ’Girls Generation’, closed down 5.3 percent, while YG Entertainment Corp., home to Psy of ’Gangnam Style’ fame, fell 8 percent. The shares dropped amid speculation China will regulate South Korean content as relations worsen due to a plan to deploy the Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense, or Thaad, anti-missile system with the U.S., said Lim Min Kyu, a Seoul-based analyst at Hyundai Securities Co.
"Although it isn’t confirmed, there seems to be uncertainty among investors," said Hyun Choi, the head of equities at Baring Asset Management Korea Ltd. in Seoul. "South Korean entertainment companies are mostly relying on businesses in China, and if they can’t do a large-scale concert or show, it would be a problem for them."
The so-called Korean Wave of popular culture that spans drama, pop music, fashion and cosmetics is an increasingly important part of an economy that generates around half of its gross domestic product from exports. The country’s consumer shares have already been hurt by deteriorating relations over Thaad amid speculation the flow of Chinese tourists to Seoul department stores will be affected.
China’s State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television is inclined to limit South Korean artists in conducting entertainment activities in China, according to a report Monday on news portal Sina.com that cited unidentified industry sources.
spat:名詞,口角。例句:The Republican presidential candidate got into a public spat with a Gold Star family that spoke at the Democratic National Convention last week.(該共和黨總統候選人與上週在民主黨全代會上發言的一個「金星」家庭〔即有家人從軍為國捐軀的家庭〕公開爭吵。)
share:名詞,股份(票)、一部分。例句:The flipside is that share prices have been driven up by the Bank’s decision.(另一方面,股價已被該銀行的決策所推升。)
span:及物動詞,跨越、持續(一段時間)。例句:His career has spanned more than a quarter of a century, including seven Olympic Games.(他的〔運動〕生涯已跨越逾4分之1個世紀,歷7屆奧運。)
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