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《中英對照讀新聞》Parched fields force Thailand to look beyond rice 土地乾旱迫使泰國改種水稻以外的作物

2016/06/16 06:00



Thailand has long served as one of the globe’s main rice bowls, but chronic water shortages are pushing the country to move away from a grain that dominates its fields and has defined a way of life for generations.


Laddawan has spent the past forty years coaxing rice from her plot in central Thailand, but she is tired of watching her farmland squeezed dry by increasingly severe droughts.


"I plan to replace some rice paddies with limes," she told AFP after attending a government-run workshop urging farmers to diversify their crops.


At a workshop held in Nonthaburi province near Bangkok, Laddawan was sold the seeds fruit trees.


These alternatives will drastically reduce water consumption but also break the monoculture that has deteriorated Thai soil for decades.


"We have no choice, we need to adapt," Laddawan said, explaining that she used to plant three rice crops annually, but next year will only have enough water for one.



parched:形容詞,乾枯的;口渴的。例句:Due to low rainfall and record-breaking heat this summer, the land across the country is incredibly parched. (由於降雨量太少和破紀錄的高溫,整個國家的土地都乾涸了。)

diversify:動詞,使多樣化。例句:To survive the economic depression, this company aims to diversify their products. (為了在經濟不景氣下存活,這家公司計畫拓展商品多樣性。)

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