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    根據「電腦網路內容分級處理辦法」修正條文第六條第三款規定,已於網站首頁或各該限制級網頁,依台灣網站分級推廣基金會規定作標示。 台灣網站分級推廣基金會(TICRF)網站:http://www.ticrf.org.tw

    《中英對照讀新聞》1% of world population owns almost half of its wealth 全世界1%人口擁有近半數財富



    2016/06/14 06:00


    Another report shows the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Boston Consulting Group says only one percent of the population can call themselves millionaires and the share of their wealth is growing.


    Some 18.5 million households around the world have at least $1 million worth of assets, for a total of $78.8 trillion - or about the same size as global annual economic output - Boston Consulting said in its Global Wealth 2016 report.


    The number of millionaire households in the world grew 6 percent in 2015. Now they control 47 per cent of total global wealth and will control 52 percent by 2020. The richest of the rich will gain the most, especially in the U.S.


    The strongest growth in global millionaires in 2015 was in Asia. North America saw the slowest growth of any region. Yet the U.S. still has the largest number of millionaires, with 8 million. China ranks second with 2.1 million, followed by Japan with 1.1 million and the United Kingdom with 961,000.



    household:名詞,一戶,一家庭。例句:More than 80% of American households now get television via satellite or cable.(超過8成美國家庭現在透過人造衛星或有線電視收看電視。)

    trillion:名詞,兆。例句:There are trillions of cells in our bodies.(我們的身體裡有數兆細胞。)

    rank:動詞,列為,分級。例句:NTU is ranked as the top university in Taiwan. (台大被列為台灣最佳大學。)

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