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《中英對照讀新聞》New Year’s Eve in Japan:Watching a hit TV show about a man who eats alone-日本除夕夜:看有關孤男獨食的電視夯劇



2017/12/29 06:00


In Japan, New Year’s Eve is all about watching TV at home with your family, a reward after you’ve done your end-of-year deep clean.


Usually, Japanese families gather to watch the "Year-end Song Festival" on NHK, the public broadcaster, where popular singers are divided into teams - red for women, white for men - and battle it out, with the winner announced shortly before midnight.


But this year a show that for many Japanese "salarymen" is pure escapism will take on the entertainment programs. "The Solitary Gourmet" will broadcast its first New Year’s Eve special, in which the star, a character named Goro Inogashira, will travel by himself to the western coastal area of Setouchi and eat. All by himself.


"I think TV Tokyo has given up trying to win audience for this slot," Yutaka Matsushige, the actor who plays Inogashira, joked about the channel’s decision to broadcast a New Year’s special on a night that, for almost 70 years, has been defined by the red-and-white singing contest on NHK.



battle it out:慣用語,一決勝負,雙方比賽直到分出勝負。

take on someone/something:慣用語,與…較量。例句:The champion took on all his challengers.(冠軍與所有挑戰者較量。)

(all) by oneself:慣用語,自己一人。例句:You can’t finish this all by yourself. Get someone to help you.(你自己一人是無法做完的。找人幫你。)

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