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好萊塢男星邀港人為詩錄音:Hong Kong Never Sleeps

好萊塢男星喬瑟夫高登李維(Joseph Gordon-Levitt)在臉書上邀請港人,錄下一篇名為《香港永不眠》的詩。(法新社)

好萊塢男星喬瑟夫高登李維(Joseph Gordon-Levitt)在臉書上邀請港人,錄下一篇名為《香港永不眠》的詩。(法新社)

2020/10/22 21:41

〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕好萊塢男星喬瑟夫高登李維(Joseph Gordon-Levitt),繼先前曾徵求香港照片後,今天再呼籲港人為一首詩錄音,更在詩中形容港人為「自由戰士」。


這篇詩名為《香港永不眠》(Hong Kong Never Sleeps)的詩作中寫道,「在未知的途徑上,寫自己的歷史時,但永遠不會孤單,港人會並肩站在一起(We forever stand as one)」;也提及了「哭泣的淚水使人們齊聚街頭,自由的戰士們將面對痛苦,而聲音會被聽見」(Freedom fighters With faces of pain And voices that will be heard)。


《Hong Kong Never Sleeps》全詩如下:

Hong Kong, she never sleeps
A beauty in the orient
A smiling dragon that breathes
She is fire on water
A city of spirited souls and passing ships

Hong Kong, a world of its own
Where we write our own history
Upon pathways unknown,
But never alone
We forever stand as one

Hong Kong, weeping tears of rain
Bringing together people in the streets
Freedom fighters
With faces of pain
And voices that will be heard

Hong Kong, a home to us all
With layers of landscapes, harbors and hills
Between blue skies and blue seas
On clear days
You can see forever

Hong Kong, our sacred city
Walking and talking through avenues
So full of life
The place we settle in to sleep
And fill with dreams in the night

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