《中英對照讀新聞》Aussie Police Rush to Scene of Killing, Find Dead Spider 澳洲警方衝到命案現場,發現死蜘蛛
Sydney police say a man was left "quite embarrassed" after several neighbours mistook his efforts to kill a spider for a domestic violence incident.
Around 2am on Sunday several police cars rushed to an apartment in the northern suburb of Wollstonecraft, responding to reports of a woman screaming hysterically, a man yelling,"I’m going to kill you, you’re dead", and furniture being thrown.
A man police described as "out of breath and rather flushed" answered the door and the local area command’s Facebook page documented the exchange that followed.
"Where’s your wife?" an officer asked. "I don’t have one," the man replied.
Police told the man neighbours had heard the screams, the threats to kill, the dull thud of flung furniture. "Come on mate, what have you done to her?" the officer asked.
"It was a spider," the man replied sheepishly. "A really big one."
The commotion was down to the man frantically chasing the spider around his apartment with a can of insect spray, police said. They inspected the unit just to be sure, finding nobody injured. "Other than the spider," officers added.
hysterically:副詞,情緒激動的。例句:she screamed hysterically when she heard the news.(她聽到這件消息時,激動地尖叫。)
out of breath:片語,上氣不接下氣。例句:She ran so fast that she was out of breath. (她跑得太快,以致喘不過氣。)
other than:片語,除了。I can hardly be other than grateful.(我除了感激之外還能怎麼樣呢!)