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《中英對照讀新聞》Idaho woman accused of chewing up back seat of police car 美愛達荷州婦女被控咬掉警車後座座椅

2014/10/26 06:00


An Idaho woman accused of chewing up the back seat of a police cruiser after being arrested in a pepper spray incident could face up to five years in prison if convicted of a felony charge linked to the damage, authorities said on Tuesday.


Staci Spence, 42, is expected to enter a plea in coming days to a charge of malicious injury to property tied to allegations she gnawed through the upholstery and foam cushioning of the back seat of a patrol vehicle, according to Bonner County Sheriff’s Deputy Josh Florea.


He said deputies were called to a rural neighborhood outside the northern Idaho city of Sandpoint last week after a couple accused Spence, of nearby Colburn, of dousing them with pepper spray.


Officers seeking to arrest Spence for battery found her “highly intoxicated, kicking and fighting and screaming profanities,” leading to additional misdemeanor charges of assaulting an officer and resisting arrest, Florea said.



enter a plea:法律上為提出抗辯、答辯之意,plea又可指請求、藉口。例句:The defendant entered a plea of not guilty.(被告提出無罪的抗辯。)

gnaw:動詞,咬斷、啃,或指侵蝕、折磨。例句:Amy gnawed on her fingernails when she felt nervous. (艾美感到緊張時會咬指甲。)

profanity:名詞,褻瀆、不敬之語。例句:I have never heard my father use a single profanity.(我從沒聽過我爸講髒話。)

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