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《中英對照讀新聞》Paris Exhibit Links Picasso And Bacon 巴黎展覽連接起畢卡索與培根

2005/03/17 06:00

Without Picasso, Francis Bacon might never have taken up a paintbrush and thus deprived the world of one of the 20th century giants of the art world, according to a Paris exhibition.


Bacon was just 18 when on a visit to Paris in 1927 he experienced an epiphany on seeing Pablo Picasso's drawings at the Paul Rosenberg Gallery. "They made a great impression on me," he wrote later. "I thought afterwards, well, perhaps I could draw as well."


The exibition "Bacon Picasso: A Life of Images" at the Picasso museum in the French capital has drawn together about 100 works by the two men to study the interaction of the Spaniard's art on that of the younger Bacon (1909-1992).


The exhibition covers the early period of Bacon's work including the tritych "Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion" derived from Picasso's "Crucifixion". "Picasso is the reason why I paint. He is the father figure, who gave me the wish to paint," Bacon once said.



deprive:動詞,剝奪、奪取。例句 The criminal was deprived of his civil rights.(這名罪犯被褫奪公權。)

on a visit to:訪問、拜訪。例句 He went on a visit to his parents.(他拜訪他的父母。)


draw:除可作動詞與名詞外,也有多重意義,在此意指徵集、吸引之意。例句:The sound drew my attention.(這個聲音吸引我的注意。)

derive from:導源於。例句:The spirit of his art is derived from the philosphy of pleasure.(他藝術的精神源於快樂哲學。)

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