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《中英對照讀新聞》Indonesian province bans female secretaries 印尼省長下令禁僱女秘書

2013/08/17 06:00


The governor of an Indonesian province on Saturday said he had ordered his top staff to replace their female secretaries with men following a string of extra-marital affairs.


"I received inputs that many government office heads here are involved in extra-marital affairs with their female secretaries," Rusli Habibie, the governor of Gorontalo province on northern Sulawesi island told AFP.


"They treat them much better than their own wives. They bring them presents from official trips like perfumes or branded bags while their poor wives get nothing," he said.


"For these reasons, I ordered them to replace their female secretaries with male assistants or with old women who are no longer attractive," he added.


Habibie is convinced that his subordinates will follow his instructions, though there won’t be any punishment for those who don’t comply.


"This is a moral sanction. I’m pretty sure they will follow my order, and all of them will get a male secretary soon," he said.(AFP)



extra-marital:形容詞, 婚姻以外的。常見的詞是extra-marital affair(外遇)。extra這個字首(prefix),意思是「在…以外的」,例如extracurricular activities「課外活動」,因為curriculum是「課程」,還有extraterrestrial是「不屬於地球的」,也就是「外星」、「太空的」。

subordinate︰名詞,指下屬、部下;形容詞指下級的、次要的。All other problems are subordinate to this one. (比起這個問題,其他所有問題都是次要。)

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