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《中英對照讀新聞》EU seeks to maximise cloud computing potential 歐盟尋求發揮雲端運算潛力到極致

2011/06/18 06:00


The European Commission called on Monday for contributions to an EU strategy on cloud computing, saying the remote technology could bring savings as well as huge revenues to the 27-member bloc.


The EU executive said cloud computing could generate 35 billion euros in revenue in Europe by 2014 and the right regulations could help business and government make considerable savings on their costs by using the technology.


"We need a well-defined cloud computing strategy to ensure that we make the best use of this potential," Neelie Kroes, the EU commissioner overseeing digital technology in the EU, said in a statement.


Cloud computing, which allows remote access to computing power and data over the Internet, can drive down costs and save energy through more efficient use of hardware and software.


The technology allows services such as Google’s Gmail and Yahoo’s Flickr photo management site to store data remotely.


The Commission consultation aims to address concerns the technology generates, in particular over matters of privacy and jurisdiction, such as who owns the information and who bears responsibility for how EU legislation is applied.



European Commission:歐洲聯盟執行委員會,為歐盟的執行機構,歐盟執委會包括主席在內共有27名執行委員(Commissioner)。

potential:名詞,潛能;潛力。例句:The product has even more potential in export markets.(這種產品在出口市場上甚至有更大銷售潛力。)

drive down:片語,使降低。例句:Tough bans on tobacco advertising and smoking in public places have helped drive down smoking rate.(對香菸廣告的嚴格禁令以及公共場所禁止吸菸的規定,都有助於降低吸菸率。)

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