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《中英對照讀新聞 》China Called a Hacker’s Marketplace 中國被稱為駭客的市集

2010/11/06 06:00


China’s rapid emergence as a hotspot for criminal hacking activities is enabled by the open and unfettered availability of sophisticated hacking tools, according to security researchers attending the Black Hat conference this week.


Many of the hacking tools are inexpensive, highly customizable, and easy to use. Most of the early users of the malware products have sought to steal online gaming accounts inside China. But now experts are seeing much broader use of such tools.


Hackers in China are developing malicious software "almost like a commercial product", said Val Smith, founder of Attack Research, a Los Alamos, N.M.-based security firm. The products come complete with version numbers, product advertising, end-user license agreements and 24-hour support services, he said.

中國駭客正把惡意軟體當成「幾乎有如商業產品」般地開發,總部設於新墨西哥州洛薩拉摩斯的資安公司「Attack Research」創辦人瓦爾‧史密斯說。這些產品完整附帶版本號碼、產品廣告、末端用戶授權聲明以及24小時支援服務,他說。

They are "rapidly deploying very easy to use tools for cutting edge exploits," Smith said . "Their community is huge because [the malware] is easy to use," while at the same time many of the exploits are very advanced, he added.



unfettered:形容詞,自由的;不受限制或拘禁的;未戴鐐銬的。例句:I want to fly, I want to be an unfettered bird.(我想飛,想成為一隻無拘無束的小鳥。)

malware:指的是「malicious software」,又稱為惡意程式、流氓軟體或黑心軟體。

cutting edge:最前線、尖端,例句:California is on the cutting edge of trends that spread nationwide.(加州走在全美流行的尖端。)

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