中英對照讀新聞》Unclaimed pavilions leave expo on hook for 7.7 billion yen沒人要的展館讓世博會陷入77億日圓的困境

◎ 張沛元
The Osaka-Kansai Expo 2025 may have to dip into its emergency fund of 7.7 billion yen, as some of the nine prefabricated pavilions under construction are unlikely to be used by participating countries.
These prefabricated, simplified “Type X” pavilions were proposed last summer to replace some of the “Type A” pavilions—unique, custom-designed facilities built by participating countries or regions, that were facing construction delays.
However, as of mid June, only three countries have decided to use the Type X pavilions and one other is considering the option.
This means the organizers will need to cover the construction costs of up to six remaining Type X pavilions, estimated at 6.2 billion to 7.7 billion yen.
unclaimed:形容詞,無主的;無人領取的。例句:What will happen to abandoned and unclaimed luggage at airports?(機場裡被遺棄與無人認領的行李接下來會怎樣?)
dip into something:片語動詞,動用,花費(部分積蓄)。例句:He had to dip into his savings to pay for medical bills.(他不得不動用個人積蓄來付醫療費。)