中英對照讀新聞》Screen blocking scenic view of Mt. Fuji removed, perhaps for good 阻擋富士山景的屏障被拆,可能永遠不會再架設

Local authorities in Fuji-Kawaguchiko, Yamanashi Prefecture have removed a screen blocking an iconic view of Mount Fuji hovering over a convenience store here just three months after installing it.
The barrier was erected to deter tourists whose unruly behavior, including jaywalking and littering, had angered residents.
Officials removed the mesh screen on Aug. 15 as a precaution against Typhoon No. 7. They have no immediate plans to reinstall the barrier, but have indicated they may do so if tourist behavior worsens.
The barrier, 20 meters long and 2.5 meters high, was installed across the street from the front of the Lawson Kawaguchiko Ekimae outlet on May 21.
for good:慣用語,永久地,永遠地。例句:This time, she left her cheating husband for good.(她這回徹底離開她的出軌老公。)
deter:動詞,阻止,威懾,使不敢。例句:The new strategy President Biden approved in March emphasizes the need to deter Russia, the PRC and North Korea simultaneously.(拜登總統3月批准的這項新戰略強調需要同時威懾俄羅斯、中華人民共和國與北韓。)