中英對照讀新聞》Belgian acquitted of drunk driving because his body creates alcohol 比利時人酒後駕車被判無罪 因為他的身體會產生酒精

A Belgian man was acquitted of drunk driving because he suffers from auto-brewery syndrome (ABS), a rare condition whereby the body produces alcohol, his lawyer said.
Anse Ghesquiere told Reuters that in "another unfortunate coincidence" her client works at a brewery, but three doctors who independently examined him confirmed he suffered from ABS.
Belgian media said that in the verdict, the judge emphasized that the defendant did not experience symptoms of intoxication.
Lisa Florin, clinical biologist with Belgian hospital AZ Sint-Lucas, explained that people with the condition produce the same type of alcohol as the one in alcoholic drinks but that they generally feel less of its effects.
She added that people are not born with ABS but can get it when they already suffer from another intestine-related condition.
acquit:動詞,宣判無罪、無罪釋放。例句:Jenny was acquitted of adultery.(珍妮被控通姦,但獲判無罪。)
defendant:名詞,被告。例句:Jenny was accused of a range of crimes, from adultery to theft.(珍妮被控通姦、竊盜等一堆罪名。)