中英對照讀新聞》Ancient whale from Peru may be most massive animal ever on Earth秘魯古鯨魚可能是地球有史以來最巨大的動物
Move over, blue whale. There is a new contender for the most massive animal in Earth’s history.
Scientists described fossils of an early whale unearthed in Peru called Perucetus colossus that lived about 38-40 million years ago during the Eocene epoch - a creature built somewhat like a manatee that may have topped the mass of the blue whale, long considered the heftiest animal on record.
The researchers estimated that Perucetus was about 20 meters long and weighed up to 340 metric tons, a mass that would exceed any other known animal including today’s blue whale and the largest dinosaurs.
"The main feature of this animal is certainly the extreme weight, which suggests that evolution can generate organisms that have characteristics that go beyond our imagination," said paleontologist Giovanni Bianucci of the University of Pisa in Italy.
move over:挪動、讓位。例句: Move over a little bit and let me sit down.(挪動一下,好讓我可以坐下)。
exceed:超越、勝過。例句:A person was fined for exceeding the speed limit.(一人因超速而被罰款。)