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中英對照讀新聞》German ballet director suspended over feces attack on critic 德國芭蕾舞導演因糞便攻擊評論家而被停職

德國著名舞蹈家戈克(見圖)與人爭執時,一時氣憤將狗大便抹在對方臉上。(擷自IG @marcogoecke)

德國著名舞蹈家戈克(見圖)與人爭執時,一時氣憤將狗大便抹在對方臉上。(擷自IG @marcogoecke)

2023/02/20 05:30


A German newspaper critic had animal feces smeared on her face in the city of Hannover by a ballet director who apparently took offense at a review she wrote.


The Hannover state opera house apologized for the incident and said Monday that it was suspending ballet director Marco Goecke with immediate effect.


The daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reported that a furious Goecke approached its dance critic, Wiebke Huester, during the interval of a premiere at Hannover’s opera house on Saturday and asked what she was doing there. It said that the two didn’t know each other personally.


He then pulled out a paper bag with animal feces and smeared her face with the contents before making off through a packed theater foyer, the newspaper said. Huester identified the substance as dog feces and said she had filed a criminal complaint, German news agency dpa reported.

該報稱,他隨後拿出一個裝有動物糞便的紙袋,將裡面的東西塗在她臉上,然後穿過擁擠的劇院門廳離開。據《德新社》 報導,休斯特鑑定該物質為狗糞,並表示她已提起刑事訴訟。


take offense at:片語,(因……)發怒;生氣。例句:例句:I’m sorry you took offense at my words.(我很抱歉我的話讓您生氣了。)

foyer:名詞,(劇院、飯店等公共建築物入口處內的)門廳。例句:I’ll see you downstairs in the foyer in half an hour. (我們半個小時以後在樓下門廳見。)

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