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中英對照讀新聞》Wine theft of the century紅酒世紀竊案

西班牙知名旅店餐館El Atrio的酒窖,該酒窖在2021年遭竊賊偷走價值170萬美元的紅酒。(路透)

西班牙知名旅店餐館El Atrio的酒窖,該酒窖在2021年遭竊賊偷走價值170萬美元的紅酒。(路透)

2022/09/17 05:30


A former Mexican beauty queen and a Romanian-Dutch accomplice have been arrested in Croatia over the theft of $1.7 million worth of prestige bottles of wine in Spain after a nine-month chase across Europe, police said on Wednesday.


In a statement, Spanish national police said that on Oct. 27, 2021 in the western city of Caceres, 45 wine bottles worth a total of 1.65 million euros, including one "unique" 19th-century vintage worth 310,000 euros, were spirited away in a meticulously planned theft from the cellars of the famous hotel-restaurant El Atrio.

西班牙國家警察在聲明中說,2021年10月27日在西部城市卡塞雷斯,45瓶價值165萬歐元的紅酒,當中包括一瓶「獨一無二」、要價31萬歐元的19世紀佳釀,在一場精心策劃的竊案中從知名旅店餐館El Atrio的酒窖中被竊走。


spirited away/off:偷走、神不知鬼不覺地帶走。例句: Her little son was spirited away.(她的小兒子被帶走了。)

vintage:名詞,名牌或優良葡萄酒、某年收成的葡萄。例句:This kind of wine is of the vintage of 1960. (這種葡萄酒是用1960年的葡萄釀造的。)

master key:萬能鎖匙。例句:The locker was opened with a station staff master key.(儲物櫃被車站工作人員的萬能鎖匙打開了。)

Police investigators believe the woman, a 29-year-old Mexican, who according to Spanish daily El Pais had competed in a beauty pageant in her homeland, distracted El Atrio waiters by ordering room service from the Michelin-starred restaurant after its kitchen had closed.

警方調查人員相信,這名29歲、西班牙國家報稱她曾參加家鄉選美比賽的墨西哥女子,在這家米其林星星餐廳的廚房打烊後,藉由要求客房服務而分散了El Atrio的服務生的注意力。

Meanwhile, her 47-year-old male accomplice slipped down to the wine cellar, opened it with a master key he had stolen during a prior visit, and filled three backpacks with the bottles, wrapping them in hotel room towels for protection, according to the police statement.


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