中英對照讀新聞》Russian says he dressed as doctor to tend to grandmother in COVID ward 俄羅斯人說他打扮成醫師照顧在新冠病房裡的祖母

Worried that hospital staff were neglecting his ailing grandmother in a Siberian COVID-19 ward, a Russian man said he sneaked in disguised as a doctor to look after her himself.
Sergei, who declined to give his surname, told Rain TV in an interview broadcast on Thursday that he donned protective clothing and walked into the hospital ward in the city of Tomsk last week where he looked after his grandmother for three days.
Sergei confirmed his comments to the TV channel in a phone interview with Reuters on Friday. He also shared footage of what he said was him tending to his elderly grandmother in hospital.
Local authorities in Tomsk said they were investigating his complaints. (Reuters)
sneak:動詞,偷偷地走,潛入。例句:I sneaked in through the back door.(我從後門偷偷溜進去。)
look after:片語,照料,看管。例句:He is old enough to look after himself.(他已經夠大可以照顧自己。)
neglect:動詞,忽視,疏忽照顧。例句:He was accused of neglecting his duty.(他被指控怠忽職守。)