《中英對照讀新聞》 US senator slams Trump administration after report of possible troop reduction in South Korea/傳可能裁減駐韓美軍 美聯邦參議員抨擊川普政府

According to The Wall Street Journal, the Pentagon presented the White House with options for reducing the U.S. force presence in March.
"This kind of strategic incompetence is Jimmy Carter-level weak." Sen. Ben Sasse, a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said in a statement. Around 28,500 American troops are currently stationed in South Korea.
Carter pledged as a presidential candidate in 1976 to withdraw U.S. troops from South Korea. Upon taking office the following year, he ordered a review of options to execute the plan. Faced with opposition from within his own Democratic Party, he ultimately abandoned the goal in 1979.
present someone with something:片語,向(給)某人提交(提出、呈獻、授予、贈送)某物。The teacher presented his students with a question.(該老師給他的學生出了一道題目。)
presence:名詞,一批軍隊(警力)、出席(在場、存在、出現)、面(眼)前。The United Nations has maintained a presence in the region for quite some time.(聯合國已派部隊在該地區駐紮相當長時間。)
faced with:片語,面對(臨)。He is faced with a difficult choice.(他面臨一個困難抉擇。)