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《中英對照讀新聞》Mooing, no booing for roller-skating Spanish farmer with a dream-哞!沒人對懷抱夢想玩滑輪溜冰的西班牙農夫喝倒采

西班牙北部山區的酪農帕布羅‧帕托(Pablo Pato),在牛舍練出一身滑輪溜冰絕活。(路透)

西班牙北部山區的酪農帕布羅‧帕托(Pablo Pato),在牛舍練出一身滑輪溜冰絕活。(路透)

2019/03/09 06:00


After tending to his cows all day, Pablo Pato swept the hay off the floor and transformed, almost Cinderella-like, into a freestyle roller skater without leaving the cowshed in the remote mountain village of Llanuces in northern Spain.


With his yellow inline skates on, the 33-year-old gathers speed on the concrete floor, jumps onto a purpose-built platform to grind his blades sideways on a rail, does a backflip and lands in front of his gentle-eyed spectators.


"The cows are my audience. They always support me, they never boo at me," he said with a grin.


Every now and then, when his duties and the harsh mountain weather allow it, Pato briefly leaves the tiny village of three dozen residents to take part in regional freestyle competitions before human audiences, but the only way he can practice is on the cattle farm.


"It’s just work, work, work, and in my time off I do what I have always wanted to do. I’ve always done lots of sports," said Pato, whose other hobbies include making videos of himself skating, or of the various animals on the farm with the mountain backdrop. "Nothing is impossible, one can do everything." (Reuters)



tend to:片語動詞,指傾向、動輒、照料。例句:We tend to get rainy winters.(我們的冬天往往多雨。)

boo:名詞、動詞,指噓聲、喝倒采。例句:He cannot say boo to a goose.(他膽子小到連對一隻鵝都不敢噓一聲。)

backdrop:名詞,指背景幕、事件背景。例句:Their love affair unfolded against a backdrop of war.(他們的愛情在戰爭背景下展開。)

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