《中英對照讀新聞》Death of K-pop star highlights South Korea’s suicide problem 韓流明星之死凸顯南韓的自殺問題

Kim Jong-Hyun, a 27-year-old lead singer of the popular boy band SHINee, took his own life in a Seoul hotel room on Monday, with his death sending shockwaves through fans around the world.
Many K-pop stars like Kim face tremendous pressure to look and behave perfectly in an industry powered by so-called "fandoms" - groups of well-organized admirers who spend enormous amounts of time and money to help their favored stars climb up the charts and attack their perceived rivals.
In return, the stars are expected to tread carefully in an industry where today’s most-fervent fans can be tomorrow’s most vicious critics if their idols fail to meet their expectations - or "betray" them.
Kim’s s death, which shocked and saddened fans worldwide, is one prominent example of South Korea’s alarming suicide mortality rate. In 2015, South Korea reported 13,500 suicides, or about 37 a day. Suicides were the second-leading cause of death, after vehicle accident.
fandom:名詞,影迷,運動迷,粉絲團。例句:The Harry Potter fandom has the most diverse fans, from eight year olds to thirty somethings.(哈利波特粉絲團有最多樣的書迷,從8歲到30幾歲到有。)
tread carefully:動詞片語,言行謹慎,小心行事。例句:The government knows it has to tread carefully on this issue.(政府知道必須在這項議題上小心行事。)
fervent:形容詞,熱切的,熱情的,強烈的。例句:She has a fervent desire to win.(她有熱切想贏的慾望。)