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《中英對照讀新聞》North Korea may be mass producing biological weapons: report-報告指北韓恐量產生物武器



2017/10/29 06:00


North Korea may be mass producing biological weapons in a research lab that studies agricultural chemicals, Pyongyang Bio-Technical Institute, a US media outlet reported Saturday, citing an academic report.


Radio Free Asia cited a report released by Belfer Center of Harvard University’s Kennedy School in October, which says the communist state already has biological weapons and its industrial facilities are able to produce such weapons.


"It is likely that anthrax and small pox is already used as a biological weapon," "North Korean soldiers are vaccinated against small pox," the report said. North Korea is thought to have 13 pathogens in possession including botulism, cholera and plague, the researchers said.


On means of delivery, the report said missiles, drones, airplanes, sprayers and human vectors are likely to be used. It also mentioned human agents as a plausible delivery method of the biological weapons, as the country has 200,000 special forces members.



mass produce(或寫成mass-produce):動詞,大量(批)生產。If someone mass produces something, they make it in large quantities, usually by machine.(若有人量產某個東西,他們通常會用機器大量製造。)

vaccinate:動詞,使…注射疫苗。Dogs and cats must be vaccinated against rabies.(必須給狗、貓接種狂犬病疫苗。)

plausible:形容詞,貌似有理(真實、可信)的。The explanation seems totally plausible to me.(對我來說,這個解釋似乎貌似完全可信。)

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