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中英對照讀新聞》Child and teen obesity spreading across the globe 兒童與青少年肥胖擴散全球



2017/10/17 06:00


Child and teenage obesity levels have risen ten-fold in the last four decades, meaning 124m boys and girls around the globe are too fat, according to new research.


The analysis in the Lancet looks at obesity trends in over 200 countries. Although child obesity rates appear to be stabilizing in many high-income European countries, they are accelerating at an alarming rate in many other parts of the world.


The largest increase in the number of obese children and adolescents has been in East Asia. China and India have seen rates "balloon" in recent years. Polynesia and Micronesia have the highest rate of all - around half of the young population in these countries is overweight or obese.


Obese children are likely to become obese adults, putting them at risk of serious health problem. These include type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke and certain types of cancer, such as breast and colon.



at an alarming rate:副詞片語,以驚人速度。例句:The disease has spread at an alarming rate.(這種疾病以驚人速度散播。)

balloon:動詞,膨脹,激增。例句:Trade deficits have ballooned.(貿易逆差急遽膨脹。)

colon:名詞,大腸,結腸。例句:Colon cancer is ranked as the second leading cause of cancer death in the U.S.(大腸癌是美國第2大癌症死亡主因。)

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