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《中英對照讀新聞》Hong Kong football fans boo China national anthem 香港足球迷對中國國歌報以噓聲


二○一五年十一月十七日,在世界盃外圍賽的中國隊與香港隊賽事中,香港球迷於演奏中國國歌時發出噓聲。 (法新社檔案照)

2017/10/11 06:00


A group of Hong Kong football fans have booed their national anthem - which the territory shares with mainland China - during a friendly match with Laos. Fans jeered and raised their middle fingers as the anthem played ahead of the game, which Hong Kong won 4-0.


There has been rising anti-Beijing sentiment in Hong Kong in recent years. In September, China passed a law making it illegal to abuse the national anthem - although the measures have not yet been incorporated into Hong Kong law.


Thursday night’s match at Hong Kong’s Mong Kok Stadium was not the first time locals booed their national anthem, March of the Volunteers. In 2015, the Hong Kong Football Association was fined by Fifa for "improper conduct" after attendees booed and an object was thrown onto the pitch during the World Cup qualifier against Qatar.


The latest incident comes weeks ahead of China’s 19th Communist Party congress, where China’s top leaders will be selected. Hong Kong is a special administrative region of China. But it has seen increased tensions with the Chinese government following a row over the pace of democratic reform in the territory, and growing calls for independence.



boo:向…喝倒采、發出噓聲。例句:She sang so badly that the audience booed her.(她唱得荒腔走板,致使觀眾對她報以噓聲。)

jeer:嘲弄、奚落。例句:Do not jeer at the misfortunes of others.(莫對他人的不幸幸災樂禍。)

sentiment:情緒、感情、多愁善感。例句:He has too much sentiment to be successful.(他太多愁善感,做不成大事。)

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