《中英對照讀新聞》5-year-old girl recreates iconic photos of notable black women-5歲女孩重現知名黑人婦女的代表性照片

女孩蘿拉在母親的協助下將自己裝扮成知名黑人女性代表。(圖擷自Cristi Smith-Jones推特)
Lola is barely old enough to write the letters N-A-A-C-P yet bears a striking resemblance to its founder and anti-lynching activist Ida B. Wells.
It’s all part of an educational, and empowering project her mother helped bring to life.
With the aid of props from around their home in Kent - wigs, a bonnet, her mother’s cellphone, artsy eye and photo apps - Lola has transformed into some of the most admired and notable black women in history.
Cristi, Lola’s mother, says Lola was enthralled by a video on Martin Luther King, Jr. shown in school last month. Cristi turned that into an opportunity to teach her child more about civil rights.
Since Lola loves dressing up, her mother says she decided it would be fun to educate her daughter about black history by having her actually become the women she was learning about.
bear a resemblance to someone or something:慣用語,與…相似。例句:This zipper bag bears a strong resemblance to the one I lost last week.(這個拉鍊袋和我上週弄丟的那個很像。)
bring to life:慣用語,形容讓某人或某事充滿活力或重新啟動;使鮮活,賦予生命。例句:Some coffee will bring you to life.(咖啡會讓你有精神。)
dress up:慣用語,打扮。