港府大抓捕民主人士 龐皮歐譴責︰違背中英聯合聲明承諾
美國國務卿龐皮歐(Mike Pompeo,見圖)譴責港府逮捕民主派人士,美國眾議院議長裴洛西(Nancy Pelosi)與參議院多數黨領袖麥康奈(Mitch McConnell)等多位國會議員也紛紛在推特發文譴責。(歐新社)
〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕香港警務處昨(18)日出動大批警力,拘捕去年中以來參與香港「反送中」運動的民主派知名人士至少15人,對此美國國務卿龐皮歐(Mike Pompeo)直言,此舉不符合中英聯合聲明承諾;包含美國眾議院議長裴洛西(Nancy Pelosi)與參議院多數黨領袖麥康奈(Mitch McConnell)等多位國會議員也紛紛在推特譴責港府的逮捕行動。
龐皮歐今日對此發表聲明,譴責港府逮捕泛民主派人士的行動,並控北京與其在香港的代表持續採取不符合中英聯合聲明承諾的行動。美國民主黨籍聯邦眾議院議長裴洛西則在推特發文批評,即便目前全球正面臨武漢肺炎危機,但香港民主與人權仍持續遭到攻擊。她也響應眾議員、美國國會及行政部門中國問題委員會(CECC)主席麥高文(Jim McGovern)的主張,並呼籲美國總統川普應儘速執行「香港人權與民主法」。麥高文也在推特表示,針對香港泛民主派人士的獵巫行動十分不合理,強調香港的人權與民主被侵犯的情況每況愈下,並呼籲應該撤銷對這些泛民人士的相關指控。
參議院多數黨(共和黨)領袖麥康奈則指責中共隱匿與不作為,導致武漢肺炎疫情肆虐,同時也強調不允許中國共產黨用疾病大流行掩飾特工逮捕和平民主人士,並批中共此舉是為了扼殺香港自由及自治的可恥行為。參議員史考特(Rick Scott)、賈德納(Cory Gardner)等人也紛紛發文,指控中共在疫情大流行期間仍持續侵犯香港人權,並敦促美國當局應對此採取制裁措施。
Even as the world confronts the coronavirus crisis, democracy and human rights continue to be attacked in Hong Kong. @RepMcGovern is right — @realDonaldTrump must swiftly begin implementing the Hong Kong Human Rights & Democracy Act. https://t.co/hn0GiuNrDm
— Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) April 18, 2020
1/ In the midst of a global pandemic, it is unconscionable that the witch hunt has continued against #HongKong pro-democracy leaders. Human rights & rule of law abuses in HK are worsening & the Trump Admin needs to robustly implement & enforce the HK Human Rights & Democracy Act. https://t.co/M1KqCRoOaf
— Rep. Jim McGovern (@RepMcGovern) April 18, 2020
2/ The charges against Martin Lee, Jimmy Lai, Margaret Ng, Lee Cheuk Yan & others should be dropped & it is long past time for Chinese and Hong Kong officials to create an independent commission on police behavior.
— Rep. Jim McGovern (@RepMcGovern) April 18, 2020
The Chinese Communist Party should not be allowed to use a pandemic — which they exacerbated through secrecy and inaction — as cover for its agents to arrest peaceful pro-democracy leaders. We stand with Hong Kong. https://t.co/RpAsZ5hZvJ
— Leader McConnell (@senatemajldr) April 18, 2020
These outrageous arrests are just one more example of Beijing’s shameful efforts to strangle the freedom and autonomy of Hong Kongers. I wrote about these coordinated efforts last year: https://t.co/vpCKX4EpAA
— Leader McConnell (@senatemajldr) April 18, 2020
Even in the midst of a pandemic Communist China continues to target pro-democracy leaders in #HongKong.
— Rick Scott (@SenRickScott) April 18, 2020
This is unacceptable. The people of #HongKong are simply fighting for their basic human rights! https://t.co/cNF3IxTvvk
I condemn in the strongest terms the arrest of peaceful pro-democracy leaders in Hong Kong and call on the local authorities and their Chinese Communist Party handlers in Beijing to release them immediately. #StandWithHongKong. #HongKongProtestshttps://t.co/hfw62Fncjo
— Cory Gardner (@SenCoryGardner) April 18, 2020
We must utilize all diplomatic tools available to prevent Hong Kong’s backsliding on democracy and human rights. I urge the Administration to impose sanctions pursuant to my NDAA language against all those violating the human rights of Hong Kongers.https://t.co/B3EMa7DgCp
— Cory Gardner (@SenCoryGardner) April 18, 2020