倫敦大學發聲明背書:蔡英文1984 年獲得博士學位

〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕倫敦大學近期在官網上發表了有關我國總統蔡英文論文事件的聲明。倫敦大學指出,現任台灣總統蔡英文博士於 1984 年 2 月,在提交了她的論文並受兩位考官審查後,獲得博士學位。儘管不清楚校內圖書館是否存有論文副本,但這件事與蔡博士的博士學位無關,該博士學位已被正確授予。
倫敦大學也在聲明底下附上了論文查詢網址,經測試,在鍵入Tsai Ing-wen搜尋後,便可找到題為《不公平貿易行為和安全防衛措施》(Unfair trade practices and safeguard actions )的論文電子版存檔。
University of London statement on missing thesis
Dr Tsai Ing-wen, who is now the President of Taiwan, was awarded a PhD in February 1984 following the submission and examination of her thesis by two examiners. While it remains unclear whether copies were deposited with the University’s library, that has no bearing on Dr Tsai’s PhD, which was correctly awarded.
The University categorically denies any allegations of wrongdoing or falsehood made against any member of staff in relation to the search for copies of this thesis. All University of London staff who have handled enquiries related to this thesis have done so with the utmost integrity.
●LSE has an electronic copy of the thesis available to access via their online thesis system - LSE Theses Online.


