生出「狼人」!2歲兒長滿黑毛 媽媽自責:懷孕吃貓詛咒

《每日郵報》報導,菲律賓媽媽阿爾瑪(Alma Gamongan)育有1女2子,小兒子賈倫(Jaren Gamongan)出生時就長滿了頭髮,鬢角、臉上、頸部和手臂也都長滿毛髮,隨著年齡增長,毛髮也越長越快,看起來就像「狼人」。她自責坦言,在懷孕期間請朋友抓了1隻黑貓,用藥草煮來吃,兒子出生後才開始後悔,相信這是「黑貓詛咒」,村民也都一致認同這是被詛咒。
對此,醫師指出,賈倫的病情是極其罕見的「先天性遺傳多毛症」,又稱為「狼人綜合症」(Werewolf Syndrome),每10億人中才有1人得病,雖然無法治癒,但可透過雷射除毛等治療緩解情況。
@dailymail Two-year-old Jaren Gamongan was born with a full head of hair, black sideburns, and patches of hair that filled his face, neck, back, and arms, as a result of a 'one-in-a-billion' medical condition. His superstitious mother, Alma, believed the boy's appearance was due to a curse brought upon her when she ate a wild cat while pregnant with her son. She said that during her pregnancy, she had uncontrollable cravings for wild cats, an exotic dish that is found in the remote mountain region where she lives. ???? Viral Press #pregnancy #werewolfsyndrome #pregnancycravings #rarecondition ♬ The Champion - Lux-Inspira