《中英對照讀新聞》Rescue mission saves scaredy-cat stuck at 15 meters 救援任務拯救受困於15公尺高處的膽小貓
Did curiosity almost kill the cat?
A ginger tabby retained one of its nine lives after it somehow got stuck on a 15-meter-high viaduct near Osaka-Itami International Airport.
The intrepid but stranded animal was safely brought down to ground in a rescue operation involving a team of men and a cherry picker on Jan. 21.
"We’re pleased that we caught the cat safe and sound. Still, it’s mind-boggling," one of the rescuers said.
Hanshin Expressway Co., operator of the expressway network in the Kansai region, dispatched 10 staff members and a boom lift vehicle to save the feline from the gap between the elevated highway and its reinforced concrete columns.
According to the 27-year-old man who raised the alarm, the cat was first spotted on Jan. 20 meowing for help on the abutment. At one point, it disappeared from view, but the highway operators searched and found it.
curiosity kill the cat:英文諺語,好奇殺死貓,意指太過好奇以致惹禍上身,通常用於警告人不要刺探他人隱私。
safe and sound:慣用語,安然無恙;未受傷與完整或健康。例句:It was a tough trip, but they got there safe and sound.(這是一趟艱困的旅程,但他們都安然無恙地抵達。)
raise the alarm:慣用語,發出警告;報警。例句:His wife raised the alarm when he failed to return home.(他的妻子在他沒回家後報警。)
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