《中英對照讀新聞》Chinese buyer for Australia’s largest dairy farm business 中國買家收購澳洲最大乳品企業
A Chinese investor was Tuesday given the green light to buy Australia’s largest dairy farm company, with the finance minister saying he welcomed foreign investment "not contrary to our national interests".
The sale of farmland to foreigners including to Australia’s biggest trading partner China has been a sensitive issue, with Canberra in November blocking the sale of one of the world’s largest cattle estates to Chinese companies.
Chinese businessman Lu Xianfeng, who owns an Australian window blind maker and founded a Shenzhen-listed engineering company, made a Aus$280 million bid for the Tasmanian-based and New Zealand-owned dairy business in November.
Australian Treasurer Scott Morrison said the Tasmanian Land Company (TLC) Group - which owns the 190-year-old dairy business Van Diemen’s Land Company - had always been held by foreigners.
Lu said in a statement he was committing to expanding the business, which owns and operates 25 dairy farms including some 30,000 livestock, and increasing its workforce.
Some independent politicians had opposed the sale to Lu, saying prime dairy land should be in Australian hands.
green light:名詞,綠燈、放行、准許。例句:We were given the green light to use the activity center for fund-raising.(我們獲准使用活動中心舉行募款活動。)
bid:名詞,出價、投標、企圖、努力;動詞指命令、喊價、出價、企圖、向……表示。例句:He was bidding to win the election. (他企圖贏得選舉。)
window blind:窗簾,複數為window blinds 。window curtain/shade 也都是指窗簾。
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