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《中英對照讀新聞》Putin and Berlusconi under fire for Crimea wine tasting 普廷和貝魯斯孔尼因在克里米亞品嘗葡萄酒遭到抨擊

2015/10/12 06:00



Ukraine has launched a criminal probe into wine-tasting by Russian President Vladimir Putin and ex-Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi after they allegedly quaffed a $100,000 bottle of centuries-old wine in Crimea, prosecutors said Saturday.


The Kremlin strongman and the disgraced billionaire reportedly cracked open a bottle of 1775 Spanish Jerez de la Frontera at the famed Massandra winery during a private visit by Berlusconi this month to the region Moscow annexed from Kiev in 2014.


The bottle was part of a legendary collection established by Prince Mikhail Vorontsov, who ran Crimea as governor-general in the first half of the 19th century.


The Massandra winery was taken over by Russia along with the rest of the Crimean peninsula when Putin sent thousands of special forces troops to capture the Ukrainian region last year.


Exiled Ukrainian prosecutors from Crimea said they are now investigating the alleged incident as a "seizure of government property".


"This wine is not just the property of Crimea or Massandra but of the whole Ukrainian people," Nazar Kholodnitsky, an official from the prosecutors’ office, told AFP. (AFP)



quaff:動詞,迅速地大口喝下。例句:We quaffed beers and had fun at the party.(我們在這場派對裡暢飲啤酒,玩得很開心。)

take over:動詞,接收、接管。例句:The new manager will take over our department.(新來的經理將接管我們部門。)

(be, come) under fire:形容詞,遭受抨擊的。例句:Hungary’s right-wing government was under fire over its clampdown on migrants.(匈牙利的右翼政府因打擊移民遭到抨擊。)

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