《中英對照讀新聞》Mountain lion spotted roaming around San Francisco 舊金山驚見美洲獅流浪
A mountain lion has been spotted on four separate occasions around San Francisco in the past several days in the first such sightings in the city in years, officials said.
Three people have reported what is believed to be a single adult male mountain lion since June 30, according to a statement from the National Park Service, San Francisco Animal Care and Control, and the Presidio Trust on Tuesday.
The mountain lion, which was also caught on a neighborhood security camera, has not been seen since last Friday and was believed to be heading south, the statement said, adding that there have not been any puma sightings in the city "in many years" and never so far north in the city.
The four locations spanned a several-mile swath spanning from the city’s Presidio in the northwest to Lake Merced further south.
The agencies are "working closely to monitor and manage the issue and to keep the community informed," the statement said.
Mountain lions are "naturally wary" of humans and interactions between the species are very rare, according to the statement.(Reuters)
roam:動詞,指漫步、流浪。例句:Let your imagination roam free.(讓你的想像力自由徜徉。)
span:名詞,指一段時間、橋墩等支柱間距;動詞,指橫跨、建拱門、架橋、以手測量。例句:Her concentration span was very short.(她的專注持續時間極短。)
wary:形容詞,指小心的、警戒的。例句:The girl kept a wary eye on him.(那個女孩對他保持警戒。)
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