《中英對照讀新聞》’Dead’ Turkish man spends 10 years fighting to prove he is alive 一名土耳其「死人」花10年為證明活著而奮鬥
A 46-year-old Turkish man mistakenly listed as dead by authorities has spent 10 years fighting to prove he is alive, state media reported on Sunday.
Sinan Avci, who lives in eastern Erzurum province, was forced into an early retirement in 2003 after being diagnosed with epilepsy.
The former worker discovered that Turkey’s Social Security Fund (SSK) had listed him as dead in 2004 when he failed to withdraw his disability pension. "They told me I was deceased... But I was very much alive," he was quoted as saying by the state-run Anatolia news agency.
Avci, who had since been struggling to prove he was alive, said he could not work both due to his illness and since he no longer officially existed. Called by locals as "Sinan, the dead," the man mostly relied on financial help from relatives and neighbours.
After a 10-year legal battle, Avci finally managed this week to convince the authorities that he was not dead.
But he faces another struggle trying to get his unpaid salaries and the right to disability benefits back. "What else should I do? I proved that I’m alive but should I now cut my arms or legs to prove I’m disabled?" he said, crying. (AFP)
withdraw:動詞,提取、撤回、退縮。例句:She had withdrawn farther and farther into herself.(她越來越孤僻。)
deceased:形容詞,已死的。例句:The deceased left a large sum of money to his pet dog.(這名死者將一大筆錢留給他的寵物狗。)
convince:動詞,使確信、使信服、說服。例句:She is convinced of his innocence.(她確信他是無辜的。)
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