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《中英對照讀新聞》Hong Kong litterbugs shamed in billboard portraits made using DNA from trash 從垃圾中找出DNA製成肖像公布令香港亂丟垃圾者蒙羞

2015/06/08 06:00


A campaign that used DNA analysis to give a face to anonymous Hong Kong litterbugs, then posted representations of the faces on billboards across the city, has been a big hit on social media.


The Face of Litter campaign was launched on Global Earth Day for the Hong Kong Cleanup Initiative, organised by online magazine Ecozine and the Nature Conservancy. It was aimed at raising awareness of the extent of littering in the city by pinpointing those responsible and encouraging people to change their behaviour.


Last year, NGO Hong Kong Cleanup rallied 418 teams for a six-week challenge that saw 3,894 tonnes of litter from streets, coastlines and country trails, according to co-founder and CEO Lisa Christensen.


Marketing communications agency Ogilvy & Mather Hong Kong came up with the idea for the billboard campaign and enlisted US-based Parabon Nanolabs.


Christensen says the purpose of the campaign was not to point fingers at specific individuals.


Reed Collins, the Ogilvy chief creative officer who led the campaign, says he is not aware of any other city launching such a campaign to tackle the scourge of littering.



enlist:動詞,請求幫助。例句:Try and enlist some people to help organize your wedding.(設法找些人來幫忙籌備你的婚禮。)

point fingers/the finger at somebody:動詞片語,指責某人。例句:There are a lot of finger-pointing during the meeting.(會議上有許多責難之言。)

scourge:名詞,造成災難之人或事,禍害;動詞,折磨,使受嚴厲批判。用法如:the scourge of war(戰爭之苦)。

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