《中英對照讀新聞》Koala ’Blinky Bill’ saunters into Australian hospital 無尾熊比爾晃進澳洲醫院
An inquisitive koala nicknamed "Blinky Bill" has sauntered into the emergency department of an Australian hospital, exploring the waiting room for several minutes before wandering back out.
The unexpected visit, captured on CCTV, delighted health workers and has gone viral on Facebook.
Western District Health Service chief executive Rohan Fitzgerald said the furry animal was "very casual" when he marched into the facility in Hamilton town about 300 kilometres (185 miles) west of Melbourne.
Fitzgerald said animals were known to enter the backyards of homes in the area, but he had never seen one as brazen as "Blinky Bill" -- named after an Australian cartoon koala popular in the 1930s.
saunter:動詞,閒逛,漫步。例句:He sauntered by, looking very pleased with himself.(他漫步走過,看來怡然自得。)
inquisitive:形容詞,愛打聽的,愛問的。例句:She could see inquisitive faces looking out from the windows next door.(她可以看到一張張好奇面孔從隔壁房子的窗戶向外探望。)
delight:動詞,使高興。例句:Peter’s success at college delighted his family.(彼得在學院裡的好表現,讓家人感到高興。)
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