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《中英對照讀新聞》Cirque du Soleil to pay tribute to the Beatles in latest show 太陽馬戲團將在最新表演中向披頭四致敬

2006/05/04 06:00


Cirque du Soleil announced the planned June launch of its newest production "The Beatles Love", which aims to celebrate the musical legacy of the Beatles.


The show, which was born out of the friendship between Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Laliberte and the late George Harrison of the Beatles will premiere at the Mirage hotel in Las Vegas on June 30, the Montreal-based circus company said.


The joint artistic venture marks the first time the Beatles、 company, Apple Corporation, has agreed to a major theatrical partnership.


"Love will bring the magic of Cirque du Soleil together with the spirit and passion behind the most beloved rock group of all time to create a vivid, intimate and powerful entertainment experience," Cirque said in a statement.



pay tribute to:片語,讚揚,致敬。

tribute,名詞,貢品;(表示敬意的)禮物,頌詞。例句:She laid a wreath on the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, DC in tribute to the dead soldiers。(她在華府的越戰紀念碑前獻上花圈,向陣亡將士致敬。)

joint venture:合資。

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