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《中英對照讀新聞》Plants do maths to control overnight food supplies 植物算數控制夜間食物補給

2013/07/11 06:00


UK scientists say they were "amazed" to find an example of such a sophisticated arithmetic calculation in biology.


The scientists studied the plant Arabidopsis, which is regarded as a model plant for experiments.


Overnight, when the plant cannot use energy from sunlight to convert carbon dioxide into sugars and starch, it must regulate its starch reserves to ensure they last until dawn.


Experiments by scientists at the John Innes Centre, Norwich, show that to adjust its starch consumption so precisely, the plant must be performing a mathematical calculation.



overnight:形容詞,一夜的、一夕之間。例句:You can stay overnight with us if you want to.(如果你想的話,你可以留下來跟我們過夜。)

sophisticated:形容詞,複雜的、精密的、有經驗的。例句:Sophisticated readers understood the book’s hidden meaning.(有經驗的讀者了解這本書隱含的意義。)

reserves:名詞,儲備,來自動詞 reserve。例句:He reserved the right to veto any future plans.(他保留否決未來任何計畫的權利。)

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