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《中英對照讀新聞》Spain sizes up women to fight anorexia 西班牙普查女性的身材以對抗厭食症

2006/04/29 06:00

◎ 張其賢

Spain is to measure its women to establish their real sizes and shapes, as part of a campaign to stop advertising images of ultra-thin models blamed for eating disorders like anorexia.


Spain's government hopes to show most women do not fit the fashion industry's skinny ideal and to persuade leading retail brands to display bigger sizes in shop windows and magazines. "The ideal is impossible for most people to achieve and can end up hurting people's health," Health Minister Elena Salgado said.


More than one million Spaniards either suffer or are at high risk of developing so-called slimming disorders such as anorexia and bulimia, according to some estimates. The incidence of anorexia, where victims starve themselves, is estimated to be increasing by 15 percent a year in Spain.


Salgado met recently Spainish fashion and retail industry bosses to form a working group on the sizing and advertising issue. Spanish girls and women in different age groups will be measured to find their average sizes, weight and height.


Rather than creating laws on displays and sizing, the government hopes to encourage self-regulation by the fashion industry, the ministry said.



size up:品評;評估。例句:A game of cards offers the best possible chance of sizing a man up.(打一局牌提供了品評一個人的最佳可能機會。)


working group:工作小組。與此相關的另一個常用詞是 task force,指「任務小組」、「專案小組」。

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