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《中英對照讀新聞》Russian billionaires club gets bigger and richer 俄國億萬富豪俱樂部更大更富

2006/03/24 06:00


A booming banking sector and stock market is driving an expansion of the Russian billionaire club, with seven new members entering the super-rich rankings over the last year, according to Forbes business magazine and Russian media.


Russia now has 33 billionaires, according to Forbes' annual rankings, up from 27 last year, but minus Yukos oil giant founder Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who was jailed for eight years in Siberia from 2005 on what critics say were politically motivated charges of embezzlement.


Heading the list is the Chelsea Football Club owner Roman Abramovich, who shot up from 21st to 11th place in the world rankings with a fortune of 18.2 billion dollars, compared to 13.3 billion dollars last year, Forbes said.


"Businessmen who created their banks or bought up their shares have considerably increased their wealth," the editor of Forbes' Russian edition, Maxim Kashulinsky, was quoted by Vedomosti business daily as saying. "The wealth of those investing on the stock market has also grown," he said.


Microsoft founder Bill Gates retained first place in the world rankings for the 12th staight year, with wealth estimated at 50 billion dollars, up 3.5 billion dollars.




shoot up:暴增。例句:The number of journalists and media assitants killed in conflict areas around the world has shot up in recent years.(在世界各地衝突地區遇害的記者和媒體助手人數,近年來暴增。)


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