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《中英對照讀新聞》Tohoku students to play ’drums for rebuilding’ in Germany 東北學生在德國演奏「復興鼓」

2012/07/06 06:00


After their percussion instruments were destroyed in last year’s tsunami, students at Ogatsu Junior High School here replaced them using old tires.


Now, the 31 students are preparing to perform traditional "wadaiko" shows in Germany with their hand-made drums that they call "fukko wadaiko" (circle drums for rebuilding).


Through the performances that start on March 16, the students want to send a message:"We lost our property, but we are hanging in there."


Mitsuaki Sato, a wadaiko composer from the same prefecture, told the students in February not to be discouraged by their lost instruments.


"Use that anger in your performances," Sato, 44, told them. "Don’t be shy."


The fukko wadaiko drums consist of tires wrapped in clear vinyl tape. When the tape weakens, the drums are simply rewrapped.



hang in there:片語,意指儘管情況不佳,但仍堅忍持續。例句:My shop isn’t making a lot of money, but I’m hanging in there.(我的店沒有賺很多錢,但我還是撐下去。)

discourage:動詞,使洩氣;勸阻。例句:I hope I can discourage her from leaving.(我希望我能讓她打消離意。)

consist of someone or something:片語,由某人或某事所構成。例句:The U.S. Senate consists of two elected officials from each state.(美國參議院是由每一州所選出的兩名參議員所組成。)

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