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中英對照讀新聞 - Vuvuzelas mar German president’s farewell 呼呼塞拉破壞德國總統的卸任儀式

2012/04/01 06:00

Vuvuzela-wielding protestors kept up a constant barrage of noise at a torchlit military ceremony for Germany’s former president Christian Wulff who left office under a cloud.


Some 250 demonstrators blowing the plastic horns that became famous during the 2010 World Cup in South Africa made their feelings loudly known as a military band battled to compete.


Wulff, for less than two years Germany’s youngest head of state, became embroiled in a quick-fire series of scandals played out in the media, culminating in prosecutors asking parliament to lift his immunity. He resigned in February.


Around 160 of the 369 invited guests stayed away in protest, according to mass circulation daily Bild. Nevertheless, Chancellor Angela Merkel and most of the German cabinet attended the ceremony in the gardens of the sumptuous presidential palace.


Even the holding of the ceremony itself proved controversial, with opposition politicians calling on Wulff to forego the tradition due to the circumstances of his departure.


"Somebody who failed in office is having a farewell ceremony as if he did great things for Germany," the head of the Social Democratic Party, Sigmar Gabriel, told local media. (AFP)



under a cloud:片語,指某人被懷疑(涉嫌不法等),如The cabinet minister left office under a cloud after a fraud scandal.(內閣部長在詐欺醜聞疑雲中去職。)

quick-fire:形容詞,指像機關槍或連珠砲一般地、迅速地接連發生,如His quick-fire jokes were very popular with the audience.(他像連珠砲似的笑話講個不停,非常受到觀眾歡迎。)

play out:動詞片語,指情況持續發展中,如The debate will play out in the meetings and in the media over the next week or two.(在未來一兩週內,這項辯論將在會議中與媒體上持續進行下去。)

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