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《中英對照讀新聞》Car fumes raise heart attack risk 汽車廢氣提高心臟病發風險

2011/09/29 06:00


Breathing in heavy traffic fumes can trigger a heart attack, say UK experts. Heart attack risk is raised for about six hours post-exposure and goes down again after that, researchers found.


They say in the British Medical Journal that pollution probably hastens rather than directly cause attacks. But repeated exposure is still bad for health, they say, substantially shortening life expectancy, and so the advice to people remains the same - avoid as far as is possible.


Prof Jeremy Pearson, associate medical director at the British Heart Foundation, which co-funded the study, said: "This large-scale study shows conclusively that your risk of having a heart attack goes up temporarily, for around six hours, after breathing in higher levels of vehicle exhaust. We know that pollution can have a major effect on your heart health, possibly because it can ’thicken’ the blood to make it more likely to clot, putting you at higher risk of a heart attack.”


The research looked at the medical records of almost 80,000 heart attack patients in England and Wales, cross-referencing these details with air pollution data. This enabled the investigators to plot hourly levels of air pollution against onset of heart attack symptoms and see if there was any link.



heavy:形容詞,大量的。例:heavy rain/snow(大雨/大雪。)

expectancy:名詞,期望之事。life expectancy 是指預期壽命。例句: There was a general air of expectancy in the crowd.(群眾普遍充滿了期待的心情。)

onset:名詞,發作。例句:The new treatment can delay the onset of the disease by several years.(這種新療法可讓此病發作的時間延緩數年。)

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